Synergies for Capacity Building Under International Chemicals and Waste
Management Agreements: An Electronic Resource Library

(1st Edition, 2004)
About this Library...
Agreement Texts and Related Conference Reports
International Workshops on Synergy Development
Resource Documents for Synergy Development
Copyright Information
This CD ROM was developed in response to a request from participants in the "Global Workshop on Synergies for Capacity Building under International Agreements Addressing Chemicals and Waste Management", which took place from 30 March - 2 April 2004 in Geneva, Switzerland. The event was organized by UNITAR in collaboration with the Secretariats of the Basel Convention and OPCW, the Geneva Environment Network (GEN) and UNECE, within the framework of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC). It brought together 81 representatives from developing countries, countries with economies in transition, industrialized countries, international organizations, non-governmental organizations including industry, public interest groups, and labour unions. Secretariat representatives from the following international agreements were present: Basel Convention, Chemical Weapons Convention, Aarhus Convention, ILO Convention 170, Stockholm Convention, Rotterdam Convention and Montreal Protocol. The workshop took stock of existing international initiatives and regional activities regarding synergies for capacity building and served as an important preparatory activity for country-based pilot projects on integrated chemicals and waste management, which commenced in March 2004 in Armenia, Jamaica, Jordan and Tchad. UNITAR would like to thank the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) for supporting these projects and the preparation of this CD ROM.